Andrea García.

Andrea is a speech and language therapist and has been working in London for the last 6 years. She qualified as a speech and language therapist at the University of Valencia in Spain. She completed her Masters Degree in Teaching specialising in Educational Guidance and holds the Qualified Teaching Status. Andrea currently works primarily with children aged 1-5 years, bilingual clients, nurseries and schools.
She has experience in assessment and therapy with children diagnosed with ASD, swallowing difficulties, language delay, speech sound disorders, bilingual children and early intervention. She is a specialist SEN (special educational needs) teacher and as well as a speech therapist she has been working as a SENCO (Special Educational Need Co-ordinator) with students with learning and communication difficulties and challenging behaviours for the last few years. She has been a coordinator of a multidisciplinary team and has provided positive support to the needs of students. Thanks to this experience, she understands the importance of supporting the needs of families and students in a holistic way.
She is interested in bilingualism, dysphagia, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CIA), orofacial myofunctional disorders and Augmentative-Alternative Communication (AAC).
Andrea is trained in Makaton, Play Therapy, PROMPT, TEACCH, Core Vocabulary Therapy, SCERTS Program, Lego Therapy, Myofunctional Therapy and Dysfunctional Swallowing, Talking Mats, Communication through Touch and Music (TacPac), and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
Andrea is a registered member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapist, and is also registered member of the Health and Care Professions Council. She is also a registered member of the Official College of Speech Therapists of the Valencian Community, Spain.